The crew of a 72ft bluewater cruiser document their remote travels sailing around the world in this breathtaking short video
Sailing around the world is arguably the ideal way to see the very best of our planet. This film helps distil some of that wonder into five minutes – and shows how it’s still possible to find some pretty special spots to yourself.
From stunning aerials and marine wildlife in its element to wakeboarding through ice-strewn Arctic waters, here is five minutes of jaw dropping ‘wish you were there’ footage. It’s cruising meets National Geographic.
Enrico Tettamanti and his wife Giulia Azzalli have spent over five years exploring the remote corners of the globe aboard their Solaris 72 Kamana. Sit back, open this up in full screen, turn the sound up and enjoy…
“Our videos are our simple way to show the beauty of our planet – one that is strongly connected to the human impact we have on it,” says Enrico.
Enrico Tettamanti built his own boat, a Finot-Cigale 16 called Kamana in 2000 and has sailed over 150,000 miles in the last two decades including the polar destinations of Antarctica, Greenland and Alaska.
He bought the Solaris 72 with an aim to go sailing around the world and some of its remotest locations. “I have a shareholder that contributes in our adventures,” Tettamanti explained. “He, his, wife and four children are ‘part of our family’ and join Kamana cruises as much as possible.”
This Doug Peterson designed Solaris 72 is built to sail from pole to equator, from high latitudes to the tropics. Having been aboard a couple of 72s I can confirm they really are wonderful, seaworthy bluewater cruisers – the engine room alone is a work of art.

Disko Bay – Greenland
Kamana has protected deckhouse and accommodation for up to eight guests. Her full time crew comprises Enrico, Giulia, their eight month old son Kai, and full time hand Tommy.
“After several years of sailing around the world and having people enjoying this adventure with us, we were able to create a strong group of friends that are now supporting us – people that have the same approach of our Kamana lifestyle.
“We feel very lucky and grateful to be able to witness the untouched wildlife by our expeditions,” Tettamanti continued. “Now, after five years, we are still more excited then ever, so the project is to keep going as much as we can.”
Kamana is currently in Mexico, sailing around Sea de Cortez until the end of April.
In May they will continue on to Hawaii and Dutch Harbour (Alaska) where they will attempt to pass through the Northwest Passage. The plan for 2018/2019 is then to continue from New York to Antarctica via the Azores, Cape Verde and Brazil.
“We are trying to share a positive message… about taking good care of the Earth – to preserve it.”
Here here.

Raja Ampat