UKSA are running free crew selection days for young sailors to be part of the…

Conrad Humphreys launches the Blue Climate and Oceans Project in Plymouth 22/2/07

12-part series covering the Velux 5 Oceans starts this Sunday on Channel 4 - 22/2/07

Velux 5-Ocean Race competitor Robin Knox-Johnston is back on the racecourse. Here's his latest log

Light winds continue to hamper Tony Bullimore's circumnavigation record attempt 21/2/07

World's top women match racers head to JPMorgan Asset Management Women's Winter Challenge Final this…

Merlin Rocket wins last weekend's 36th Hoo Freezer 20/2/07

Graham Dalton joins Robin Knox-Johnston to repair broken mainsail headcar in 5-Oceans Race 20/2/07

La Solitaire Afflelou Le Figaro 2007 attracts big numbers including two British sailors 20/2/07

Knox-Johnston under tow

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston rounds Cape Horn but pulls into Ushuaia to carry out essential repairs