Mike Golding back up to speed following night of engine trouble aboard Ecover 20/11/06

Perfect conditions for seventh weekend of Garmin Hamble Winter Series 20/11/06

Tony Bullimore whose yacht's entire communication system broke down has finally made contact with shore…

Route du Rhum sailor Lia Ditton stuck in no wind. Here's her latest log 20/11/06

Bernard Stamm and Alex Thomson make most of winds to the south of 5-Oceans course

Fresh from his Route du Rhum Class 40 win Phil Sharp chatted to yachtingworld.com 17/11/06

Lia Ditton, now just 140 miles from Class 3 Route du Rhum leader, with her

Tough time for Phil Sharp who's struggling in light airs to reach Route du Rhum…

Stuart Hudson and Debs Hill win Craftinsure Firefly Inland at Rutland 15/11/06