A hard slog ahead

Click here to listen to Dee Caffari talking to Elaine Bunting about the prospect of…

Clipper countdown

The 10 Clipper crews in Fremantle are preparing for the next leg of the race…

Wild Oats XI owner Bob Oatley and skipper Mark Richards accepted their trophies at the…

Just when things were starting to look up Dee Caffari spots her first iceberg

A tearful Dee Caffari talks to Elaine Bunting at a crisis point in her record…

Wild Oats XI confirmed as handicap winner of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, making…

Dee Caffari spends another gruelling day battling with the electrics aboard Aviva but things are…

Hugo Boss lying 7th

The British yacht Hugo Boss was sailing comfortably in 7th line honours position this morning,…

Sydney Hobart start

Wild Oats XI draws first blood in Rolex Sydney to Hobart which started earlier today