The 10th round of the Lark open meeting ladder was hosted by West Kirby SC…

The second round of the 2005 29er Eurocup took place in Germany at the huge…

Francis Joyon is currently on standby in New York awaiting the final green light for…

Over 40 Dart 18s travelled to Grafham Water for the inland nationals last weekend

'Jenga tacktick' takes clear win at last weekend's J/80 nationals

Royal Ocean Racing Club announces dates for next year's Commodores' Cup

Ships from 36 different nations lined up 'nose to tail' in the Solent today for…

Generali Solo

Jéremie Beyou leads the Generali Solo going into the final three races

A total of 67 Swans from 12 nations head to Cowes for the Rolex Swan…

Ellen MacArthur will skipper the 75ft trimaran B&Q in the 69th edition of the Round…