“We’re all tadpoles swimming in a stream,” says Tom Dolan of single-handed offshore racing. With…
5 tips – Essential yacht racing skills
How to use deck chutes for improved spinnaker handling
Paul Larsen was converted to the appeal of deck chutes on a particular day aboard…
5 expert tips for catamaran racing
Modern cruiser/racer multihulls have a high level of safety provided you know what you’re doing.…
5 expert tips: Guide to asymmetric spinnaker handling
One of the most significant advantages of racing with asymmetric kites is the simplicity of…
5 expert tips: How to build a great sailing crew
Every crew has its own DNA, its own ecosystem. Making that the best and healthiest…
Expert sailing skills: How to be a great crew boss
Being an effective crew boss relies on good preparation and a great sense of timing,…
How sailors plan sleep routines at sea: An expert guide
Dee Caffari knows the importance of sleep to any offshore sailor, whether you’re racing solo,…
How to race across the Channel: An expert guide
The UK has many active offshore racing fleets, spanning from the west coast of Scotland…
Expert tips: how to sail multihulls downwind in big breezes
Pushing fast multihulls downwind in gnarly conditions can be a hazardous business. Knowing how hard…
5 top tips: Sailing upwind in survival conditions
Across 45,000 miles of steering around the world on the Clipper Race, sailing upwind safely…
5 expert tips: Shorthanded mainsail reefing
The double-handed team of Deb Fish and Rob Craigie have got mainsail reefing down to…
5 expert tips: How to hold a lane upwind
When you’re competing in a big fleet, it’s not the winning races that marks out…
How to deal with a tight windward mark rounding
While there may be many factors that feed into a successful windward mark rounding, Charlie…
Rolex Sydney Hobart: How to win the legendary race
The Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race stands as a pinnacle of offshore yacht racing. Its…
Expert tips: how to sail downwind in windy weather
Pushing a boat close to the edge downwind is exhilarating and sometimes exhausting. Sailing hard…
How to win the Rolex Middle Sea Race
This year marks the 44th edition of the Rolex Middle Sea Race, which has now…
5 expert tips to improve your tacking
While a tack is one of the most fundamental manoeuvres, it’s also hard to execute…
Double handed sailing skills: handling symmetric spinnakers
Double handed sailing skills are increasingly important to master as the recent boom in double…
5 top tips: How to gybe in strong winds
Gybing any boat in strong wind can be loaded with jeopardy but it’s particularly risky…
How to win the Rolex Fastnet Race: expert navigator’s tips
The 2021 edition of the Rolex Fastnet Race came with an interesting change. The finish…