Robin Knox-Johnston suffers from lack of sleep as his makes his way to 5-Oceans Race leg 2 finish 27/3/07

Log dateTuesday 27 March 2007
PositionLat 29 53N Long 067 31W
Miles To Norfolk, USA627 nm
Distance In 24 Hours255.5 nm
Average Speed In 24 Hours10.65 knots

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston is now 600 miles from the Velux 5-Oceans Race Leg 2 finish line in Norfolk Virginia. The wind built yesterday to an easterly Force 5 but has now dropped again which means that the current ETA across the finish line is late Friday/early Saturday morning.

Tired and a bit down in the mouth, Knox-Johnston sent his latest log from Saga Insurance?

We started the past 24 hours with winds of Force 5 from just east of north with a northerly swell. It was lumpy and uncomfortable, but Saga Insurance made some progress.

The wind began to veer during the afternoon and ease towards dusk. There was not much to do in those circumstances. Writing on a laptop is frustrating as you keep hitting the wrong key as the boat lurches, and spend more time correcting errors than writing so get fed up.

I spent much of the day in catnaps of a couple of hours a time making up for the previous night’s deprivation, which did not harm. With stronger winds there were not so many wind shifts so fewer alarms going off, but as the wind eased during the night we were back with it going off frequently again. This constant interruption to sleep is far more tiring than sailing.