Jean Luc Van Den Heede sailing Adrien is currently nine days ahead of the round the world record set by Philippe Monnet
Jean Luc Van Den Heede sailing Adrien is currently nine days ahead of the round the world record set by Philippe Monnet.
Reports from the boat show that having rounded Cape Horn, Den Heede is in a positive mood but has not lost sight of the fact that it’s still early day. “The road is still long, but it is true that I am satisfied.” Said Den Heede, “Adrien goes well -100 per 100 of its potential. Only the standard B poses problem to me, but the boat is not in question. I am in the area most distant from any ground, far from Chile and from New Zealand. I am all alone. However, In my head all goes inevitably well.”
For now Jean Luc prepares to decorate Adrien for Christmas and is on the point of making fresh bread for the midnight supper. Healthy occupation, somewhat surreal under the southern latitudes, with 25 nodes of wind in the nose.