Elaine Bunting

Listen to Mike Golding talk about fighting exhaustion as he traces a fuel problem

Dee talks of storm risks

A storm-lashed Dee talks to Elaine Bunting, plus an interview with Pete Goss. Click here - 13/3/06

'I'm in 57 knots, and this is forecast to last 12 hours' - an emotional email from Dee Caffari to her team

Click here to listen to Elaine Bunting talk to Dee Caffari about rounding Cape Horn, and interviews with her team about what lies ahead

A hard slog ahead

Click here to listen to Dee Caffari talking to Elaine Bunting about the prospect of 80 days in the Southern Ocean

A tearful Dee Caffari talks to Elaine Bunting at a crisis point in her record voyage. Click here to listen to the interview