Yachting World

Fossett still missing

A week on and still no sign of Steve Fossett who has disappeared in his plane in the Nevada desert 10/9/07

Dubai's Team Aqua leads the show at the RC 44 Slam Cup in Italy 7/9/07

Tom Whidden, CEO of North Marine is at the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup, helming 'Ghost', where Peter Rusch asked him about how sailing has changed over the 25 years he's…

Big numbers expected at Holt Tide Ride on 15-16 September 7/9/07

Quadriplegic sailor, Geoff Holt has today set the record as the first disabled personto successfully sail around Great Britain 5/9/07

This is what the inside of Hurricane Felix looks like

Will there be a smooth transition from duty free to duty paid diesel? I think not