Yachting World

The OK Dinghy World Rankings just published puts Danish sailor ahead of British 10/5/07

New dinghy pursuit race planned in aid of Hampshire Autistic Society 10/5/07

Tony Bullimore carries out repairs and resumes round the world record attempt 10/5/07

Free Valencia 07 Guide

Yachting World's guide to the Louis Vuitton and America's Cups is now free to download

Bernard Clark and Elaine Ross win second meeting in the 2007 National 12 Lairwell series 9/5/07

Natalya Eyre and Tim Kindleysides win Feva open meeting at Chichester 9/5/07

Top result for Clemency Williams and Nick Bubb aboard Beneteau First 34.7 Jos of Hamble 9/5/07