While Robin Knox-Johnston contemplates his fuel consumption, his toenail walks the plank 11/12/06
Yachting World
1,000 miles to go aboard Steamy Windows
Caylie Jeffery reports from 15 of the ARC aboard Steamy Windows 10/12/06
Northern Child – log 15
No rest for the crew aboard Northern Child. Julian Sincock reports from the ARC 10/12/06
Panulirus ARC log
Guy Hoare reports of the pending famine aboard ARC yacht Panulirus 10/12/06
Northern Child – log 14
Julian Sincock describes the situation aboard ARC yacht Northern Child on the approach to St Lucia 9/12/06
Capricorno breaks ARC record
Italian maxi yacht Capricorno breaks ARC record with a time of 11 days, 5 hours, 32 minutes and 30 seconds 8/12/06
Panulirus ARC log
Rain forces change of routine aboard British ARC yacht Panulirus. Guy Hoare with news on how the crew coped 8/12/06
Northern Child – log 13
ARC crew celebrate '700-miles to go to St Lucia' with a fine feast aboard Northern Child 8/12/06
Crash gybe for Robin KJ
Robin Knox-Johnston describes his latest activities in the Southern Ocean aboard Open 60 Saga Insurance 8/12/06
Fontenoy about to round the Horn
Maud Fontenoy on her westabout global challenge is about to round Cape Horn 8/12/06
Global Ocean Challenge update
Lack of entries could force postponement of Global Ocean Challenge 8/12/06
Leading ARC boats near finish
Swan 100 Fantasticaa and 80ft maxi Capricorno neck and neck on approach to ARC finish 7/12/06
Steamy Windows log
Full-on conditions continue to make life tough for Steamy Windows crew Caylie Jeffery reports from the ARC 7/12/06
Northern Child log 12
Fine food, big winds and seasickness. Julian Sincock with the latest from the good ship Northern Child 7/12/06
Ian Williams climbs ISAF rankings
Ian Williams of 'Team Pindar' climbs into second place in the ISAF Match Racing Rankings 7/12/06
Shiraishi finishes 5 Oceans Race leg 1
Japanese skipper Kojiro Shiraishi finished the first leg of the Velux 5 Oceans Race earlier today 7/12/06
Robin Knox-Johnston 5 Oceans log
Sir Robin contemplates Christmas at sea and gathers help to fix jammed mainsail 7/12/06
Sir Robin goes swimming
67-year old action man takes to the Southern Ocean waters
Going swimming part 2
Solo sailing can do some funny things to people
Going swimming part 3
Also on the way to the Azores