Yachting World

Farr 40s to race as the world shakes

As the free world plays and replays the unreal images filmed yesterday over lower Manhattan and Washington, and reels in the aftershock of yesterday’s astonishing and unprecedented terrorist attacks, the…

 . Leader Andrew Bray reflects on a spectacle the like of which has never been seen before A feast of America’s Cup sailing It was the most wonderful week –…

Larks at Waldringfield

A total of 21 Larks braved the breezy forecast on the weekend of the 8-9 September to take part in the Cartoon Trophy at Waldringfield

Good start for British at 470 worlds

Nick Rogers and Jo Glanfield got off to a good start at the 470s worlds and are lying in first place overall after the first day's racing

Flying Fifteens at Dovestone SC

The postponed Dovestone Classic Flying Fifteen Regatta was held on the weekend of 8-9 September along with the open meeting for allcomers

Fireballs at Notts County

A north-westerly Force 3-4 greeted the 33 fireballs who attended Notts County SC's Fireball Golden Dolphin open meeting on 8 September

Laser 2000 nationals

The Laser 2000 class really came of age this weekend (8-9 September, 2001) with their third national championship attracting 42 entries

Prada’s Gavin Brady and the crew of Atalanti X stayed ashore for the last two races of the One Ton Cup after turning in an embarrassingly dominant series of results…

Floozie wins Hornet Europeans

Floozie sailed by Tony Taylor and Corin Westley won the Waterford Wedgwood Hornet European championship at Thorpe Bay YC

Merlin Rocket Silver Tiller at Rutland

Competitors at the Merlin Rocket Silver Tiller meeting at Rutland SC on 8-9 September were treated to some exciting racing in the 20-25 knot wind