Jeanneau 64 test video

We tested Jeanneau’s very impressive new flagship 64 over two days of Mistrals in Marseille. Does she have the build quality and practicality to match the superyacht looks?

North Sails 3Di

Matthew Sheahan’s video view behind the scenes at North Sails USA on how they build 3Di and why this is a sail making revolution

Iain Percy

At the formal launch in Stockholm of the Swedish AC campaign I talked to Iain Percy about the road ahead

Oman Sail RB&I

I talked to crew member Damian Foxall shortly after they crossed the Cowes finish line to set a new record for the fastest circumnavigation of the British Isles

37ft cruiser video

Yachting World video showing our test of 37ft cruising yachts: the Bavaria Cruiser 37, the Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 379 and the Varianta 37

Fiji Mana island

We try out a mixture of old-fashioned methods and modern technology to enter an uncharted lagoon


Our visit to an island community in Fiji is cut short as we are forced to bail out at night

Man overboard

We practice recovering a man overboard while sailing under spinnaker

Kelpie of Falmouth

Kelpie is one of the finest classic restorations of recent years. We sailed aboard the schooner, Mariette's 'racing tender', at the Pendennis Cup before she departed Cornwall for the classic…