Sun and breeze equal good pictures. Check out our gallery for photos from Sunday of the different classes and Extreme 40 action

Competitors enjoyed another day of sun with a southerly wind of 10-15 knots that increased to 15-20 during the afternoon

Another day of perfect Solent conditions brought colourful photos from all classes at Cowes and the final day of the Extreme 40s.

A spell of rain failed to dampen competitors' spirits on the opening day of this year's Cowes Week

Shifty, drizzly conditions don't deter the photographers - check out the action from day 1 on our gallery.

Cowes Week starts tomorrow, Saturday 1st August, and the Extreme 40s had three practice races today, now sensibly cited off The Green

Maxi Trimaran departs New York aiming to cross the Atlantic in under 4 days 3 hours and 57 minutes