ABN AMRO One regains lead from Pirates 27/2/06

Mike Sanderson skipper of ABN AMRO One relays his thoughts while doing 32 knots in Southern Ocean 27/2/06

Steve Hayles with the latest news from Ericsson following last night's big wipeout 27/2/06

A final win secures overall victory for Casio Seapathfinder at the Ssangyong JJ Giltinan International Champs in Sydney 27/2/06

Paul Cayard skipper of VOR yacht Pirates of the Caribbean sent this report at 0455 this morning while leading the fleet to the first Ice Gate 24/2/06

Petit Bateau announce new solo Round the Isle of Wight Race 24/2/06

Mike Sanderson with the latest news from ABN AMRO One on the approach to the first Ice Gate 23/2/06

Defending champions Euan Mc Nicol, Seve Jarvin and Tim Austin won Race 5 of the Ssangyong JJ Giltinan International Championship on Sydney Harbour today 23/2/06

Fraser Brown chatted to yachtingworld.com about his accident during the closing stages of VOR Leg 2 22/2/06

From first to last and back to first. ABN AMRO One's navigator Stan Honey explains the reasons behind the decision to gybe south 22/2/06