It was around the moment that we both huddled over the vent of our diesel…
Second hand boats: how to buy a ready to sail yacht
It’s no secret that if you want to buy a new yacht the wait is…
Cruising achievements of the year awarded 2021
The Ocean Cruising Club’s top award, The OCC Barton Cup, has been awarded to Dustin…
Everything you need to know about sailing rallies and cruising in company
There is a pent up enthusiasm for experiences right now. After nearly two years of…
Masterclass: Pip Hare on tuning an autopilot
The latest generation of autopilots require less manual input to perform well but, besides selecting…
Sailing Colombia: where mountains meet the ocean
‘Take care sailing Colombia,’ was the general theme of our farewell conversations as we prepared…
Homeward Bound: across the Pacific
The tireless whirring of my coffee machine brought me back to my senses as I…
Caribbean sailing 2022: the rules and where to go
These days it’s hard to predict what the world may look like in a few…
Cruising Maine: a coast of mist and isles
Nathan picked up our anchor in Roque Harbour in a light breeze, with a plan…
Sail the world: future-proof bluewater options
In stressful times it’s tempting to cast off the bowlines and head for the horizon…
Nordic legends: cruising the breathtaking Faroe Islands
“Stop filling the boat with cheese!” I exclaimed to Paul, as he stowed a massive…
Jimmy Cornell: A life at sea
“In my entire life I have never given up on any of my projects, but……
Into the Southern Ocean – navigating by sextant in the south
Rudyard Kipling famously wrote that the complete person can meet with triumph and disaster and…
Atlantic crossing: When’s the best time to go?
An Atlantic crossing or Atlantic circuit has often been seen as a year-long adventure, crossing…
Cruising Mexico with a newborn: one couple’s story
The earth inhales. A treeless desert fevers under a rising sun, breathing the cool air…
How this couple escaped the city to work from their yacht
Seven years ago, as a pair of empty-nesters living in London, Sheila and I embarked…
Eco-friendly anchoring: how to preserve the seabed
When my toes get cold, I know the wind has piped up. The dorade over…
Trapped upside down in the North Sea
John Passmore is a man unafraid to move with the times. A professional journalist with…
How to cross the Atlantic in short hops
An Atlantic crossing is – rightly – considered a bit of an epic. An east-bound…
The best bluewater multihulls of all time: a complete guide
What are the best bluewater multihulls for long term cruising? The one you own, or…