Alison Young
Early ambitions – “I’ve always been into maths and I studied civil engineering at Southampton University. I was thinking about going to Sandhurst to do a Masters. Several of my friends were on Army scholarships and this seemed like a good career path for a civil engineer”
How it all started – “When I was nine my mother bought sailing lessons for my father for his birthday and we all went along. At 10 I started doing the Midland Oppie circuit, graduating to the Oppie Squad. I sailed a Topper before moving to the Laser Radial when I was 16. I medalled at the Youth Worlds in 2005 which then got me Development funding”
Best/worst quality – “Determination and drive would be my best qualities, not knowing when to stop, my worst”
Hobbies and interests? – “Road cycling and my unicycle and running when I can. I used to run a lot as a kid”
How do you relax? – “Reading books, particularly sporting biographies and listening to music”
What picks you up when you’re down? – “I usually beat myself up a fair bit first which then helps me put things back into perspective”
Non-sailing ambition – “To cycle from Land’s End to John O’Groats and run the London Marathon”
What’s your plan ‘B’? – “I guess my engineering degree is my backup. I worked for Lang O’Rourke, an engineering company, for three summers. Given my sailing background I’d be quite interested in harbour design I guess”
Pet hates – Faffing
First class sailed – GP14
Racing track record – 7th – 2011 Perth ISAF Sailing World Championships,
2nd – 2011 Delta Lloyd Open Dutch Sailing Championships, Medemblik
7th – 2011 Skandia Sail For Gold Regatta, Weymouth and Portland, UK
Favourite sailing venue – Weymouth
Favourite regatta – Sail for Gold
Favourite boat – Laser
Current car – Toyota Corolla
Dream car – Anything that runs on air
Personal favourites
Film – Cool Runnings
Band – Iron Maiden
Book – Slaying the Dragon, Michael Johnson’s autobiography
Non-sailing item – My unicycle
Favourite computer program – Google
iPod top 3 most played
Holy Smoke – Iron Maiden
Dynamite – Airbourne
Tubthumping – Chumbawumba