With strong headwinds Dee snugs down Aviva and tries to get some rest
Well the constant pounding to windward brought with it some time to rest as once I had reduced sail all I could do was hold on for the ride. At last consistency in the weather, the only problem was that it came at 30 knots. The seas made it quite a bumpy ride but if the stereo is loud enough even those crashes and bangs can blend into the background.
I have concentrated on rest and decided that chores and food and drink were a lot of effort so I have been living on basics while we have been pounding along. The weather is grey and cold and it has made me feel quite lethargic. Finally the weather has just given me a break and the wind has dropped to 25 knots so I will manage a decent feed and refuel. I am frustrated with the heading I am making as well, as I cannot point in the right direction so we are heading south of west for a while then I shall tack again and head north of west. Guess that’s par for the course when sailing against the winds and currents.
Apart from a couple of tacks, that went much better than the other night I am pleased to say, not a great deal has happened down here today. Even the bird life has gone quiet on me, or maybe they just don’t like my taste in music.
Dee and Aviva