If you're looking for trip to the Hebrides this summer, why not sign up for the Hebridean Maritime Festival
If you’re looking for trip to the Hebrides this summer, why not sign up for the Hebridean Maritime Festival. The event is taking place from 2-4 August 2001 at Stornway Harbour and promises to double its attendance from last year. Activities include sailing for a wide range of classes, windsurfing, canoeing, rowing, rafting, day cruises, overnight voyages, sailing in company and a mixture of challenges. For those who’ve never sailed before or have little experience, there’s the chance to take part in one of the sailing taster or coaching sessions throughout the weekend.
As well as the on the water activities, there’ll be plenty to do on shore too including exhibitions, displays, Ceilidhs and dances and a carnival. Plus, there’ll be the opportunity to take in Hebrides music, art, agriculture, archaeology, museums and ornithology.
An integral part of the festival will be the cruises on boats such as the Clyde Sailing Trust’s 43ft yacht The East End Endeavour and The Highland Chieften now known as The Eala Bhan which will be cruising in the Minches with young Hebridean sailors before, during and after the festival.
To book a cruise or for further information, please contact Ken Kenedy on 01851 703562 or visit www.sailhebrides.com