After 38 days at sea Orange II, Bruno Peyron's 120ft maxi catamaran, is now 10…

Doha 2006 has a 1,298-mile lead over Cheyenne but fleet but prepares for tricky time…

Global Challenge round-up

BP Explorer and Barclays Adventurer are racing neck and neck under spinnaker on Leg 4…

Will Oxley - navigator aboard Doha 2006 - with thoughts on icebergs, and how to…

Follow Fossett

See how far he's got on his non-stop solo round the world flight

Vince Horey and Vyv Townend win 34th Hoo Freezer event

The 120ft maxi cat Orange II has taken just 32 days to round Cape Horn…

After 54 hours in port Geronimo was repaired and ready for the off this morning