Mini fleet his light winds

The 70-stong Mini Transat fleet continues its slow progress in 2-4 knots of wind heading…

Alan Krailing and Gemma Thompson won last weekend's Lark open meeting at Weymouth

Route du Ponant

Charles Caudrelier on Bostik Findley has won both legs of offshore race in the Route…

Fred Duthil sailing his Magnen/Nivelt 99 design Prototype leads the fleet off the Mini Transat…

VOR’s new baby

With predicted speeds in excess of 35kts, the new Volvo Open 70 is set to…

Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup

In the fresh wind off Porto Cervo, the Maxi Rolex fleet made short work of…

Big wind forecast, with effects from Hurricane Fabian in the North Atlantic, has forced the…

British sailors Iain Percy and Steve Mitchell posted a 10th place on the opening day…

Although British James Bird knows he's not going to win the Mini Transat this year…

MacArthur to race small cat

Ellen MacArthur is racing against the likes of Ernesto Bertarelli and Bertrand Pacé during this…

With just three days before the start of the Mini Transat, the atmosphere at Bassin…