Ainslie gets off to fighting start at Finn Gold Cup in Greece

Betsy Alison and team from USA are revelling in the light conditions at the Yngling…

The Scott brothers still lead championship by just three quarters of a point

The third day of the Flying Fifteen national championship took place on Tuesday and was…

Light winds at TFV

The second Mediterranean offshore race in the Tour de France a la Voile, to Marseille,…

Stars & Stripes USA-77, Team Dennis Conner’s newest America’s Cup boat, has flooded and sunk…

Stars & Stripes recovered

Stars & Stripes, USA-77, which sank while out training in Long Beach Harbour yesterday, was…

Tonci Stiponovic from Croatia leads the Laser 4.7 world championship after two days

Lizzie Edwards and team finished top British boat at the first day's racing at the…

TFV boats in Sète

Cassis Maugio Carnon takes a win in the 23 race of the Tour de France…

Simon Marks and Ali Sutor won the 49er Eastbourne Sovereign Sailing Club open meeting last…

Light airs for TFV boats

Light airs greeted competitors for the start of the first Mediterranean offshore race in the…

The Laser 5000 fleet produced the largest turnout of the season for the third Laser…