Pip Hare

Solo sailor Pip Hare, author of our Advanced Sailing Series, discovers a yard full of racing veterans on a recent visit to Hennebont

Paul Gelder

Yachting Monthly's editor Paul Gelder embarks into retirement with traditional pomp

Leg 4 start

Leg 4 from Sanya to Auckland started this morning, then stopped as racing was suspended in the face of boat breaking weather

Telefonica China in port

Iker Martinez’ team won today’s in port race while Camper had a shocker, the points gap is widening

BIC cigarette pouch

A perfect way to put out and store cigarette butts on board - if you're so inclined

Ainslie Palma

The RYA Tribunal proceedings involving Ben Ainslie result in no penalty following the Perth incident


Conditions hard work, as Clipper fleet approach the first scoring gate

Code 0

Can't decide what to buy with that £1 million bonus? Here's what we're doing with ours...