Cheyenne, Steve Fossett's 125ft maxi catamaran is still behind the round the world record and has a forthcoming complex weather system to deal with
Yachting World
Party time aboard Cheyenne
Brian Thompson, watch captain aboard Cheyenne, reports on proceedings at yesterday's Equatorial ceremony
Is sailing round the world boring?
David Scully, onboard watch captain aboard Cheyenne, contemplates the boredom of round the world yacht racing
Bertrand wins Aussie Etchells event
Former America's Cup winning skipper and Olympic medallist John Bertrand has won the New South Wales Etchells championship
Orange heads for JV start
Bruno Peyron and crew aboard Orange prepare for an early morning Jules Verne start
Round the world update
Cheyenne is 80 miles behind the Jules Verne record set by Orange 1, Geronimo is preparing for a JV re-start and Orange could be off this afternoon
van den Heede on home stretch
Jean Luc van den Heede who's on his fourth attempt at the westabout singlehanded global challenge is well ahead of the record
Orange turns to green
Bruno Peyron, skipper of the Orange II maxi-catamaran, has announced that he will be leaving for a new Jules Verne Trophy attempt on Wednesday
Cheyenne crosses the line
Steve Fossett's maxi cat crosses the Equator and for the unfortunate Mark it is his first time
Geronimo out of Jules Verne
Olivier de Kersauson decides to turn back as second gennaker breaks
Jules Verne or not? Cheyenne’s response
Here's the response from on board Cheyenne about claims that their Jules Verne attempt is not valid
Kidney transplant sailor raring to go for coming season.
Thirty four year old racing dinghy sailor Stu Budden is now back at the helm for the coming season thanks to a successful kidney transplant.
Cheyenne up and running – fast
David Scully reports from on board as Cheyenne cruises along at 24 knots
Cheyenne saves her rig – just
A sharp-eyed Guillermo Altadill spots a loose pin just before it falls out
Cheyenne scents the wind
YW's on board correspondent gets stitched up...
Jules Verne, Orange II ready to go
Orange II is oficially christened and Peyron delcares that she is ready as soon as a weather window allows
No economic case for Light Dues, says RYA
The RYA answers Trinity House's call for compulsory dues for yachtsmen
Sponsor for Baltimore VOR stopover
Constellation Energy Group has announced that it is committing $500,000 as title sponsor of the Baltimore-Annapolis stopover of the Volvo Ocean race
So what’s in a record?
In past reports we have referred to Cheyenne competing for the Jules Verne Trophy. This is not correct because….
Preview: April 2004
ET and the space age machine- In France he's known as the 'extraterrestial', a solo sailing hero...