Campbell Field with the latest happenings aboard the VOR yacht Sunergy & Friends

Well and truly over it now… (the hump that is)

We are now running in 20 knots of wind, and salivating at the thought of the
30 that will approach us from behind over the next 24 hours. We now have a taste of what our fellow sailors ahead of us have had for the last couple of weeks! Finally!

A busy morning on board, Becksy (Mark Bartlett) spent about an hour up the rig to re-lead a spinnaker halyard that broke this morning. Usually a straight forward job but a) the other mast head halyard that would normally hoist him up to do the job was being used for our spinnaker, so he had to free climb the last 4 metres or so (if his mum reads this – he was attached to a safety line!) and b) the first attempt went all pear shaped as the mouse line got all caught up in the other halyards. So, mole hill into mountain, but after four hours, problems solved. Well done Becksy, have four hours off!

Congratulations to ABN AMRO ONE who must have finished by the time you all read this. In fact I doubt anyone is going to read this as the celebrations in Cape Town will be a rather more attractive option for the general audience. I just hope that they leave some beer over for us when we get in.

Not as much time will be available for me to write e-mails over the next few days as we will have our hands full. Apologies to all but my QFBs will be somewhat abbreviated (I can hear the sigh of relief from here).

Trust all are well out there in the world,

Campbell – navigator