Outdoor Swimming Specialist Rowan Clarke took the Kellerman Mirror Goggles for a 2km sea swim – here’s how they performed.

Product Overview

Overall rating:


  • Curved lenses for great peripheral vision
  • 4 interchangeable nose pieces for a perfect fit
  • UV-protective mirrored lenses for protection


  • Tight fitting around your eye-sockets


Soul Cap Kellerman Mirror Goggles Review

Kellerman Open Water Goggles







Soul Cap Kellerman Mirror Goggles

Best low-profile goggles

These smart, low-profile goggles are perfect for open-water swimming adventures.

Named after Annette Kellerman, a women’s swimming rights champion, these goggles are designed to give you full swimming freedom, protection and awareness.

When you try them on for the first time, choose the nosepiece that best suits your face. This is simple to clip in and out, ensuring that the goggles work for your face shape.

The Kellermans are smaller and lower profile than many open-water goggles. They fit tightly around your eye sockets, which isn’t right for everyone. But the silicone is so soft that you quickly get used to the fit – and they didn’t leave that dreaded goggle ring even after an hour-long sea swim.

Low-profile goggles are great for racing because they create minimal drag. In open water, the low profile also means they stay put throughout your swim – especially important in choppy water. But there’s an inevitable trade-off with breadth of vision. The Kellermans counter this with curved lenses that offer great peripheral vision. It’s not as wide as a swim mask, but excellent for such a low-profile fit.

With absolutely no leaks or misting up, these goggles get a five-star rating from us. We loved the comfortable, adjustable, minimal fit. We also loved that they’re made by Soul Cap, a fantastic socially-minded brand that brings inclusivity and accessibility to swimming for all.


  • Streamlined fit
  • UV-protective mirrored lenses
  • Skin-friendly silicone
  • Easy to adjust with a quick-release LatchLock
  • Curved lenses for enhanced peripheral vision
  • 4 interchangeable nosepieces (XS, S, M and L)