They call themselves The Lost Buoys, a nautical pun on the ragtag group led in Neverland by Peter Pan, the boy who wouldn’t grow up. The three friends in their…
atlantic crossing
Why so many sailors are making the switch to multihulls
Would you like a drink?” asks Fiona, one of the crew of Outremer 52 Inez V. Even if you’ve only just stepped aboard, as I have, you know you could…
Man overboard in ARC: US MRCC calls off active search. Another yacht abandoned in second incident.
A crew member taking part in this year’s ARC rally has been lost overboard. Yesterday, Monday 2 December, the Volvo 70 Ocean Breeze reported that a crew member had gone…
Advice on making an Atlantic crossing from people who have done it
“The moon is waxing and rising later now, so there are magnificent star-spotting opportunities,” the crew of Adina blogged. “The Plough, Orion’s Belt and Venus have been joined by the…
Sailing from Annapolis to Iceland on the viking routes of old
Heavy, heavy fog blanketed the boat. We had a rotating watch standing on the bow looking for growlers. Everything, and everyone, was soaked. Falken was charging fast through the horizon-less…
What are the best ways to keep a yacht’s crew happy?
If you have a happy boat, you can have disasters happen to you, and it’ll be fine. On an unhappy boat the smallest things can become an issue.” “A happy…
How to prepare for an Atlantic crossing with the ARC
Every autumn the pontoons of Las Palmas are a hive of activity, as hundreds of yachts prepare for an Atlantic crossing with the ARC and ARC+ rallies. Over its 38-year…
What’s the best autopilot kit for a transatlantic?
Few cruising skippers would argue with ocean sailing guru and founder of the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC) Jimmy Cornell when he says some form of self-steering is ‘essential for…
The ‘easy’ way to sail across the Atlantic?
It’s the dream that never fades. The desire to cross the Atlantic by boat seemingly doesn’t wane, no matter what the state of the global economy or geopolitical upheavals. Post-pandemic,…
How to prepare for an Atlantic crossing
In the spring of 2021, Laura Blom-Sipkens and her husband were chatting in their car when a thought suddenly struck her: we should take a break from work and take…
What should sailors do if they encounter migrant vessels at sea?
What would you do if you came across a migrant vessel adrift at sea? It’s a scenario many sailors have discussed because, unfortunately, it’s not uncommon to find desperate migrants…
Loose grub screw led to X-Yacht being abandoned mid-Atlantic
X-Yachts has released findings into an investigation into the events that led up to the yacht Brainstorm, an X49, being abandoned in the ARC January transatlantic crossing. X-Yachts’ director of…
Transat Jacques Vabre: lessons from the experts
Two boats achieved stunning victories in the latest edition of the Transat Jacques Vabre, establishing leads before the halfway mark that they extended to the finish: the 30-metre Ultim trimaran…
Everything you need to know about sailing rallies and cruising in company
There is a pent up enthusiasm for experiences right now. After nearly two years of limitations, many of us are hankering for wider horizons, to escape the Zoom meetings, look…
ARC yacht abandoned after fatality mid-Atlantic
A sailor taking part in this year’s Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (the ARC) was fatally injured, and his crew mates rescued 500 miles west of the Canaries. Max Delannoy was…
Atlantic crossing: When’s the best time to go?
An Atlantic crossing or Atlantic circuit has often been seen as a year-long adventure, crossing the ocean in late November or December to the Caribbean, with a return to Europe…
How to cross the Atlantic in short hops
An Atlantic crossing is – rightly – considered a bit of an epic. An east-bound crossing, often even more so. But by following the seafarers of old, on what is…
Caribbean warmth: Cruising the Grenadines in a restored Swan 37
We glide down the eastern side of El Hierro and leap into the vastness of the ocean as we begin our Atlantic crossing. The island shrinks behind us as the…
World ARC postponed as cruising rally organisers face dilemma
World Cruising Club, organisers of the annual Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC) and the round the world World Atlantic Rally for Cruisers, have cancelled the start of the 2022 World ARC rally…
The Viking route: Across the Atlantic via Nova Scotia
Think of crossing the Atlantic from west to east, and most people will picture a pleasant high-pressure route via Bermuda or the Azores. But there is another way of doing…