Charlotte Dobson
How it all started – “Although neither of my parents sailed, the sailing club was a big part of their social life and I learnt to sail. I started to do Scottish regattas and championships and got swept up in the RYA Travellers circuit”
Turning point – “One of the biggest disappointments was missing out on the Optimist Europeans. I was the 4th placed girl, but only three got to go. My parents took me to Barcelona where I had a go at the Laser Radial Worlds. I won my first ever race and finished 3rd overall in the girls”
Best/worst quality – “I’m definitely pretty stubborn and stick to what I set out to do, but I guess that’s also a bad thing as well”
Hobbies and interests? – “I like skiing, cycling, tennis and I’ve just started kite surfing though I’m not very good”
How do you relax? – “I’m away a lot so meeting friends and family is important for me and when I come home to Scotland I can really switch off”
What picks you up when you’re down? – “Adrenalin and exercise is the only thing that really deals with disappointment, isn’t it?”
Non-sailing ambition – “To build my own house” What’s your plan ‘B’? – “My pipedream would be to be a fund manager. I’m fascinated by the way that so many factors are interlinked”
Pet hate – People who hog the middle lane, metaphorically and physically!
Class sailed – Laser Radial
First class raced – Optimist
Racing track record – 16th – 2011 Perth ISAF Sailing World Championships
3rd – 2011 Delta Lloyd Open Dutch Sailing Championships, Medemblik
4th – 2011 Skandia Sail For Gold Regatta, Weymouth and Portland, UK
Favourite regatta – Barcelona
Favourite boat – Europe
Current car – VW Tiguan
Dream car – 1960 Vintage jag
Personal favourites
Film – Gladiator
Band – Kings of Leon
Book – The Life of Pi
Non-sailing item – noise-cancelling headphones
iPhone app – Talking Carl
iPod top 3 most played
What the water gave me – Florence + the Machine
Golden Brown – The Stranglers
Afterglow – Phaeleh