Olympic profile: Ben Rhodes

Early ambitions – “I first started sailing in the Cadet, crewing for Sydney Olympian Richard Sydenham, before starting helming at the pretty young age of 11”

How it all started – After GCSEs and A Levels I went to Swansea University, but soon became very distracted with Laser sailing. I ended up quitting university to join the Laser European tour and at the end Stevie called about sailing 49ers”

Best/worst quality – “My best quality is being able to switch on and off and I guess my worst is my occasional temper – or should I say passion”

Hobbies and interests? – “I have a rather long list that changes regularly! I used to do a lot of climbing but at the moment my main activities are kayaking and paddle boarding”

How do you relax? – “Like Stevie, I spend a lot of time away from family and friends, so being at home is pretty special. I also love playing my guitar, I can easily lose myself in that”

What picks you up when you’re down?
– “Living in Exmouth makes it much easier to step away from the intensity of a campaign and readjust”

Non-sailing ambition
– “Keeping happy and heallthy”

What’s your plan ‘B’? – “I’m afraid I don’t really have one either but again, like Stevie, there are areas of sailing that I’d love to get into”

Position on boat – Crew

First class raced – Cadet, crewing for Richard Sydenham

Favourite sailing venue – Cascais, France

Favourite boat
– 49er

Favourite regatta
– Holland

Current car
– Fiat Scudo van

Dream car – Just a newer van that works

Pet hate – poor time-keeping

Sporting hero – Björn Dunkerbeck, speed record-breaking windsurfer

Personal favourites
Ace Ventura
Band – Reef
BookMind Over Matter, Sir Ranulph Fiennes
Favourite non sailing item – My dog
Favourite app – Hipstamatic

iPod top 3 most played
Back In My Place – Reef
Tamacun – Rodrigo y Gabriela
Covered in Rain – John Mayer

  1. 1. Introduction
  2. 2. Olympic profile: Ben Rhodes
  3. 3. Olympic profile: Stevie Morrison
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