Olympic profile: Stevie Morrison

How it all started – “I started racing Cadets in Exmouth when I was around 11 years old and raced a lot against Ben. Our first event together was the RS200 Nationals in Paignton in 1996.”

Turning point – “Having done my GCSEs and A-Levels I then went on to work for Speed Sails, where I was building sails during the week and racing on all kinds of boats at the weekends. I did five or six National Championships a season – it was superb. By this stage I was starting to think that sailing and work could go together”

Best/worst quality – “I’d say my best quality is that I’m relaxed, although Ben would say it’s being logical. Sometimes I’m too relaxed, although on the other hand I do tend to think about things too much sometimes”

Hobbies and interests? – “Mountain biking, kite surfing and skiing, but at the moment all of those are out of bounds because of the risk of injury”

How do you relax? – “Apart from doing all the normal family things, I love watching all sport, especially football and tennis”

What picks you up when you’re down? – “I guess I’m lucky that I don’t have to look for very long to see that I really don’t have much to worry about”

Non-sailing ambition – “To stay happy and not to have a proper job”

What’s your plan ‘B’?
– “I’m afraid I don’t really have one, but I would love to be involved with the America’s Cup boats. They look superb and I think, as 49er sailors with experience of high performance, we could really bring something to a team”

Position on boat
– Helmsman

First class raced – Cadet

Favourite sailing venue
– Lake Macquarie, Australia

Favourite boat
– 49er

Favourite regatta – Sail For Gold

Current car – VW van

Dream car – Aston Martin

Pet hate
– being late

Sporting hero
– Kelly Slater, world surfing champion

Personal favourites
– Any James Bond film
Band – Oasis
BookIt’s Not About the Bike, by Lance Armstrong
Favourite non sailing item – iPad
iPhone app – BBC Sport

iPod top 3 most played
Don’t look back into the sun – Libertines
Diamonds – Ben Howard
Anything – Oasis

  1. 1. Introduction
  2. 2. Olympic profile: Ben Rhodes
  3. 3. Olympic profile: Stevie Morrison
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